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Thursday, September 30, 2010

(6) The Viper Demands

I wrote on the "NotTheFRCCSD.orgWebsite"homepage the following this afternoon, completely blowing off for later my further consideration of coincidence in this Blog: 

September 30, 2010 Afternoon Update: 

Today I received a certified, return receipt envelope directly from The Viper herself. Inasmuch as I had earlier discussed these issues with board member John Toboni, who took notes, her comments and demands to my mind either that she is one brick shy of a load or that she understands the situation but is acting duplicitously. You can probably guess which way I lean since I consider her a villain of Shakespearian proportions.  Don't take my word for it. This letter deserves its own page so if you want to take a tangent, just Click Here.

Sept 30, 2010

I've had way too much experience with The Viper to even consider writing her a response to her letter. She's demonstrated her predilection for cutting my sentences and paragraphs out of context to use as fodder against me. In a venue of my choosing, however, I will reply on the record. I choose here on this website where I can put down thoughts as I see fit and will probably expand my views on my considerably less restrictive blog.

Anyway, without an explicit and very public apology which I'm not holding my breath on, on behalf of the board and herself in particular, then I will not be lifting a finger to assist her in any way. I'm not a public servant, not a community leader (not by a long, long shot, rather I'm a Pariah ) and while I recognize that to relish the image of the FRCCSD crashing & burning, extremely satisfying as schadenfreude but otherwise disastrous. When it comes to pass, and simple arithmetic says it will in no less than a year from now, should resistance to serious conservation remain, it'll be a Pyrrhic victory. I need an adequate supply of potable water as much as anybody and when the pump to the well does not run, not because it's broken, but because the power bill is three months in arrears, I'll be in distress as well.

As to the Viper's current  problems and angst with such things as the Financial Report, due before the end of September, that is to say TODAY, and as to the numerous other treasurer-type matters that should be covered at the end of a month and particularly at the end of the quarter, I say "tough noogies." I was back in the fold after Laine made it clear that while he seldom, if ever, agreed with my motions, that he, John Toboni and Mike Mondot did appreciate my efforts.This appreciation existed, he explained, in spite of how frequently I shook things up, often disagreeably. I was back until The Viper broke the published Agenda to pursue relentlessly my departure and now she's got it. If she can't talk Ken George into returning then she better get a "Bookkeeping for Dummies" book pretty damn fast.

Now, point by point with my response to her letter in italics.

Remember, this letter came Certified, Return Receipt with all the legal consequence and threat that implies. I sent the FRCCSD my response poster by plain ol' snail mail. Also, to most of these allegations, they were AFTER I explained the facts toJohn Toboni who presumably he passed on to her.

John Keith
It is necessary that you return Quick Books/Quicken software disk and anything else that that has to do with the FRCCSD immediately.

That will be difficult to do inasmuch I never had any disk and did not have Quick Books. I did not maintain FRCCSD books on any Quicken product. Had the Viper bothered to listen at the Paxton meeting where I brought up the subject the gist of what I said was that in the previous month I had made two purchases on my own and because of that had put them on my credit card as I realized that I might have to eat the cost of one or both of them. 

The first was a two year registration of the Internet domain which was important to reserve as there could easily be other organizations in the US that happen to have the same initials FRCCSD. This cost the organization $30 and still belongs to it, for about 18 months anyway when it will expire, and can be used by anyone else in the organization who knows how to create websites.

The other purchase was $80 for Quicken Essentials for the Macintosh. It is an extremely advanced checkbook register which would work in the background to log in to the District's Plumas Bank account and download changes. If a deposit was entered or if a check cleared it would throw a widget on my screen showing the change. Another thing it did was to allow me to split payments like the PG&E bill into subsets showing the cost of each system, so much for Hot Springs, Twain etc. All the program did was save me a great deal of time, obviously of no interest to The Viper but of some consequence to me. 

On Friday, August 27th I received a series of increasingly frantic phone calls to my machine as well as emails to my canyongraphics address, that Community Development absolutely needed to get a check from the District for close to $7.5 K for its 10 % administrative fee, not to cash but to have on the books. I could not just write the check, I explained to Dave Keller without a three person emergency vote and a second signature on the check. Dave put that together with Laine and John and since Joan Chandler was bringing The Viper down to Tobin to see its system so that she (Joni) would pick up the check that I would have down at the PO between 9:00 and 11:00 AM. In so doing she could get it in to Quincy before noon which Dave stressed was important. (Why this check was not brought to our attention two weeks before, when it could have all been handled by snail mail, I don't know, but that's another story.) I emailed and called Joni's voice mail stressing how important it was that she not forget that getting the check and getting a second signature and then into Quincy was vitally important that she not forget. 

Monday morning came and so did Joni. She arrived when I was putting out mail, presumably when up to the treatment and then left without getting the check !?! I couldn't believe it! She told me later that she had yelled to me that she would be back. Maybe so. Inasmuch as I had ear buds in for my iPod podcasts, I wouldn't know. She didn't come back while the PO was closed at 11:00 AM and she did not come up to my cabin either or answer her cell so by noon, I bit the bullet. I rented my neighbor's truck and drove first to Laine's house. When he wasn't there and since I only vaguely know more or less where John Toboni lives, I drove to Paxton where I learned Mike Mondot had just gone into Quincy so I killed 45 minutes, became exasperated, went back to Laine's. No luck as he was actually in the Bay Area. Back to Paxton, another 40 minutes and since it was getting towards 1:00 PM and I was not sure if it had to actually be deposited into the bank that afternoon before closing (it wasn't) I started to leave when I caught Mike coming up his road and got a last minute signature. Then into Quincy to finish my totally FUBARDed afternoon. I go into this detail because this was not my job as treasurer, it was the job of the District's one and only employee, the one making $32 per hour while I make ZERO. I brought my covering Joni's rear as an uncompensated expense on my part, $30 for renting the vehicle plus whatever my time is worth, say what Joni makes that would be an additional $144. So, I suggested to John, that we just call it even and forget about it. I also have the vote, cast by three members not including myself, to purchase this program.

If this does not satisfy the current board and it wants to send me a bill. I'll be sure to cut the District a check as soon as hell freezes over. 

Last point on this issue. I did keep District books on my computer and I used a Macintosh iWork application called Numbers which has the advantage of being convertible to a MS Excel format readable by PCs. This is my program and the District did not spend a dime on it. Furthermore, while the District saw fit to buy our treatment operator her own computer for her Recording Secretary work, I did all my work on my own uncompensated  Macs.

As these items are necessary to file the report you spoke of due Sept. 30, you were well aware of the deadline for filing this report and ample time to have it done in advance of your resigning from the Board. You have cost the board unnecessary time and money to correct your intentional mistake of not addressing this while on the board and then refusing to submit and destroying the report after resigning. Adding that you intended to impose the $1,000.00 fine.

The paragraph above is enough to convince me that this woman is both mean as a box of snakes and a complete whack job. I was well aware of the deadline, the same deadline that her cohort Ken George missed by SIX MONTHS, and not only was I aware but I had finished it and had it at the 13 September meeting for approval of the board. I left that meeting no longer a member, in what the room considered me leaving in disgrace, and thus my report was no longer submittable. Could I have included a copy of my work in the box of stuff? Sure, but why would I. And what the hell does she mean that "I" intended to impose a $1,000.

As I was writing this I got a call from Plumas County Deputy Sheriff Goines asking me about the software I had "stolen" from the District. This woman, the Viper, has actually called the cops on me over an $80 program approved of by the Board for my use !?!  After I spoke to him and explained the same thing I wrote above he seemed to be satisfied but I would not be all that surprised to hear a knock on my door. 

This is not acceptable behavior from someone who is supposed to be doing the community a service.



That you for your attendance to this matter.

Rocki Eriksen Norris

I need no further defense on this matter. This woman is, I believe, absolutely NUTS, Joan Chandler is a pathological liar and Ken George is a craven coward and watch this website and my Blogspot blog as well, as I prove this to what will convince any disinterested reader.. 

1 comment:

  1. John, it is still hard to phantom that this "woman" had the gall to call the cops on you. All the hard work and dedication you did to keep the Tobin community with a water supply......and all done on a volunteer monies received as payment. Words seem to fail me.
